Breast Implant News
Released on = January 10, 2006, 5:10 pm
Press Release Author = Breast Implant News
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Everything about Breast Implants
Press Release Body =
Breast Implant News
In today's market silicone gel implants are believed to have certain downsides to
them, such as leaks, rupture and can cause health related issues. Some experts are
saying the new cohesive gel silicone implant are made differently and are less
susceptible to complications
To have a better understanding of all the pros and cons of breast implants and
breast augmentation please visit
The visual benefits of breast augmentation are commonly praised, patients can be
slightly hesitant after hearing the experiences of friends or family members who
experienced a expanded recovery period and who were forced to rest for a week or
longer due to post-operative pain. Dr. Jones has implemented several specific
techniques that minimize tissue trauma while minimizing the length of the
recuperation period -- a major advantage for his patients who undergo this cosmetic
According to surveyed women that had undergone the breast augmentation procedure,
94% of them said they would recommend the surgery to others. This was an
overwhelming response that shows how much breast augmentation procedures have
evolved. The social acceptance of cosmetic surgery like a breast augmentation has
allowed more information to be made available and more safely.
"I recently had a breast augmentation; I couldn't be more pleased with the results.
My husband and I couldn't be happier." Jennifer W. South Dakota
"I've been planning for 3 years to have my breasts enlarged, I truly couldn't be
happier with the results. It took 3 years to finally get myself to do it; now that
they're done I wish I had done it years ago" Jennifer T. New York
Contact Dan for more insights into this topic. Email: other
helpful information regarding this product or service can be found at:
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